Sunday, March 19, 2023

Columbus January 23

I was struck by the shape of the tree on the far side of the lake.

There's food in the fake stump, and the mallards waited for the trumpeter swan to spill some. Because of the snow, I had to overexpose the swan so the ducks would not be underexposed.

Mexican wolf yoga

There is sad news about Hermie (Twitter).

Guillotine the wolverine gnaws an antler.

The trumpeter swan pond, complete with the mallards

A markhor eats snow.

Queen of the rocks!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Venomous Toledo

The Toledo Zoo has a reptile building, but it has a collection of venomous snakes in the Museum of Natural History. In honor of St. Patrick, here are photos from March 3.

western diamondback rattlesnake, I think

eyelash palm pit viper, focus stack of two images

horned desert viper

mangrove viper

mangrove viper

Asian vine snake

Asian vine snake

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


The manul, or Pallas' cat, is one of the smallest wild cats.Three were born at the Columbus Zoo in 2022, and I found the two sisters playing February 23.

This is part of their habitat. I didn't know what they were looking at.

Some sisterly grooming...

... followed by hunting-bite practice.

There was a lot of practicing that day.

To me, the one on the left looks like part of a painting in which the artist blended the cat with the background.