Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 22

Here's what I saw at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium April 22, 2019.

A flamingo tucks its beak into its back for a nap, but its eye is open.
Caribbean flamingo

A stretched flamingo's wing, pink with a black trailing edge.
I love flamingo wings.

A flamingo splashes low in the water.
Bath time

Three otters run for fun in the water.
Asian small-clawed otters run for water.

An orangutan walks on a log using hands and feet.
Bornean orangutan

A Bornean orangutan glances to its left.
A little side-eye?

A pink bud, shaped like a long pine cone
a tree's budding blossom


  1. The flamingo wing's contrast is so striking, wonderful capture!

  2. I'm always happy when I'm lucky enough to get an extended bird's wing.

  3. The textures on the blossum photo are very nice as well. The color to me is one I wish was a palatable flavor!!
