Thursday, October 24, 2019


A large, black parrot with large, red wing patches leans forward.
Pesquet's parrot (Toledo Zoo)

A white parrot with a yellow crest preens.
sulphur-crested cockatoo (Columbus Zoo)

A gray parrot with a red tail stretches a wing downward.
African grey parrot (Toledo Zoo)

This parrot is small and green with a few red markings. The blue crown is not visible.
blue-crowned hanging parrot (Toledo Zoo)

This parrot is light blue with a white face.
budgerigar, or parakeet (Toledo Zoo)

A small, gray parrot stands in a food dish.
Bourke's parakeet (Toledo Zoo)
This parrot is white will a yellow face and crest, and it has a large, orange patch on its cheek.
cockatiel (Toledo Zoo)

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