Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Whetstone Park

On June first I had reason to vacate the house, so I took my camera to Whetstone Park.

American robin

Honey bee, just after liftoff from white clover. Wings are barely visible.

red-winged blackbird

red clover
There's a honey bee in there.
carpenter bee (I think) and iris

carpenter bee and iris

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Whose ears are these?

Whose ears are these? The animals have appeared in previous posts.









Tuesday, June 9, 2020


What's this? The missing gardener had cleaned it up once.

May 5 3:34 PM

May 5 4:42 PM
As we knew.

Sound effect bbc.co.uk ©️ copyright 2020 BBC

The missing gardener and I have been wondering about chipmunk burrows for a long time. We have located several, and this particular entrance has been there for a few years. All we'd see are holes the diameter of a chipmunk. Where were the results of the excavations?

We know people who complain about chipmunk holes wide enough to make walking dangerous, but we never saw one... until we did. It was at the corner of our house and became a funnel for water to the basement, so we had to keep it filled (with dirt) and bricks on top. Still, the great majority of burrow entrances in our yard are small and have no dirt around them. Do chipmunks dig holes to put the dirt in?

We cleaned up, but work continued.

May 11 1:04 PM

Here's our excavator April 23, before the remodeling began.

(New lens!)

We also wonder why chipmunks don't drown in heavy rain. I searched the Internet for information, and the results were horrifying.


August 23: We haven't seen the excavator since work ended.