Saturday, December 8, 2018

Grand Cayman (blue) iguana

This is Burt, a Grand Cayman iguana. He's one of my favorite subjects because he's so interesting looking. His head looks like that of a dinosaur. Okay, we don't really know what dinosaurs looked like, so let's say his head looks like that of a movie dinosaur. He's got spines on its back and down his tail. Also, the lighting is good and he doesn't move much. Burt is about 2½ feet long.










You might notice that Burt appears in different colors. As I (mis)understand it, the camera examines the scene and looks for white. Then it produces colors using the white reference. If there's not any true white in the scene, then the colors can be shifted.

In picture 5, the iguana looks blue all over, but he's not that blue; blue is most prominent on his head. Everything's green in picture 4. Photos 3 and 6 are fair representations of colors. There are settings on the camera that can be used to get more accurate colors, but I don't know how to use them yet. That and while I'm shooting I don't remember that they're available.

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