Tuesday, December 22, 2020

2020 part 1

Here are photos I want to show you here at the end of 2020. Some are favorites, some are good, some are interesting, and some are included for variety. I didn't crop any of these, which means I framed the subjects decently, and that doesn't always happen!

Pacific sea nettle (Toledo Zoo, January 4). I think the 3-D effect is related to the blue background.

gouramy (Toledo Zoo, January 4)

crested coua (Toledo Zoo, January 4)

Borealis (looking at you) and Crystal (Toledo Zoo, January 18). The boy turned two this month, and I have pictures of the him nursing in September; that duration of nursing is apparently normal. Crystal and mate Marty have produced a number of offspring.


The famous Hippo Heads. These were part of an arch at the entrance to Tembo Trail, which leads to the Hippoquarium™ at the Toledo Zoo. January 18

The Toledo Zoo hosts an annual orchid show. February 22.

axolotl (Columbus Zoo, February 24). I was lucky to get a picture of these two. They're almost always hidden when I visit.

red-tailed rat snake (Columbus Zoo, February 24)

1 comment:

  1. Nice end to the year in photos. As always, thank you so much for sharing.
