Wednesday, December 2, 2020

A lion's roar?

 Roary, of the Columbus Zoo, lived up to his name.


Or did he?

The next time you yawn, see if you don't do the same thing. Eyes close, mouth opens, fangs show, head tilts back...


  1. Roary has had a tough time getting accepted by the females of the pride. When he was first introduced to the group the 4 females ganged up on him and clawed him down his back. They then changed to only having him with 1 female at a time and he seems to be holding his own. Guests would come running when Roary and whatever female he is with would face off with loud roars on both sides.

    A docent said it was kind of like dropping a 13 year old boy into a sorority house.

  2. Never notice this before......
