The missing gardener and I visited the Ohio Bird Sanctuary February 27th. There is a songbird aviary, but the focus is raptors that have been injured or otherwise could not survive in the wild. Here are some of them.
Ruby, a red-tailed hawk, was a first-year in 2007 when she was shot for taking chickens.
Ruby |
Saint Alice is a bald eagle that was hatched in 2018. She contracted West Nile virus and has impaired vision as a result. It takes five years to develop a white head and tail.
Pierce, a broad-winged hawk, apparently had contact with a power line that affected his vision and thinking.
A barred owl, Apollo or Barkley. Apollo imprinted on people after falling from his nest, and Barkley was tangled in a barbed-wire fence. I hear barred owls in my neighborhood, and I saw a silhouette. Once.
Cairo, a barn owl, was found starving on the ground and has questionable vision.
Blaze, a peregrine falcon, was hatched in 2014 atop the Rhodes Tower in Columbus. She has a shoulder injury.
Good job minimizing the cage wire. Shouldn't the falcon have been first in the photo line-up, BGSU grad?