Wednesday, January 3, 2024

2023 Part 4: Creepy

 Creepy, crawly, and squishy things from 2023.

a Malagasy leaf-tailed gecko's foot (Columbus Zoo, focus stack of 2 images)

Fall webworm (focus stack of 9 images). It has that ghostly look that the focus-stacking software can produce, but the individual shots look like this.

female eastern carpenter bee, I think (focus stack of 11 images)

male eastern carpenter bee (focus stack of 6 images)

male eastern carpenter bee (focus stack of 3 images)

Giant prickly stick insect (Toledo Zoo). If I recall correctly, it's about 3 inches long.

Pacific sea nettle (Toledo Zoo)


  1. Great shots but creepy for sure. Not a fan of the insect creepy crawlies. Julie

  2. Wouldn't wanna run into it during a dip, but that Pacific sea nettle is a looker! Shelley
