Monday, September 7, 2020

Neighborhood hawk

It's pretty common in my neighborhood to hear hawks or see them overhead. We've even had one on our fence a couple of times. I have a couple of older photos, but now I have a better camera and a longer lens.

The missing gardener alerted me to two hawks perched on the far side of our neighbors' back yard. I grabbed my camera and took horrible pictures of them through the window screen. Then I ran outside.

The hawk that had been on top of a utility pole was gone, but the other one, on wires, was still there.

a red-shouldered hawk

As I watched and took pictures, it became interested in something below.


To get closer, I ran out our gate to the neighbors' back patio--we are on good terms--and called out, but not soon enough to avoid startling them.

I don't know if its hunt was successful, but the hawk had returned to the wires and posed nicely.


It turned around for me, too.


  1. Excellent sequence of the four shots checking out the ground. Hope that it wasn't a careless chipmunk!

  2. I liked the "spread wing" shot. Dive, dive!
