Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Columbus June 26

Here are some shots from the same day as the cheetah run that I missed.

The cheetah. She didn't want to give up the lure.

Each of the African lion ladies had a bone.

common ostrich

Aurora, looking like she's asleep.

I'm trying to figure out if reindeer have black skin or their undercoat is black. She's lying in front of a fan.

Wood thrush. It/they (I don't know how many there are in the aviary) sometimes land close to people.

A masked bobwhite calling. It's subspecies of bobwhite quail.


  1. Thank you for sharing Steve. You take wonderful shots.

  2. Aurora - A+. I think the reindeer antlers look artificial, like part of a costume. :) I think the ostrich pic is my fav.
